Role: Artistic Director, Image Strategist and Stylist
After a seven-year hiatus from the music industry, Grammy nominated artist Alice Smith invited Stefan Campbell to collaborate on the overall vision for the launch of SHE, her sophomore release. As artistic director Stefan oversaw all aspects of Alice Smith’s SHE visual experience. From live shows, tv appearances, and music videos, to photo shoots and red carpet events, he worked with management teams, video directors, tv producers, and venues to bring the entire concept to life.

Above: SHE’S THE ONE, InStyle magazine, editorial / Role: fashion and image consulting

Above: SHE Tour, live show/ Role: artistic director, lighting concept and stylist
Working with Stefan, Alice gained the fashion world recognition she desired, from and V Magazine, to other leading publications like Document Journal and Paper. During their working relationship, Elle Magazine named Alice one of the 28 Most Stylish Artist of the Year and InStyle magazine chose Alice Smith as the artist to kick off New York Fashion Week with an invitation only performance.
When interviewed by New York Magazine, the reporter asked Alice about her newly found attention by the fashion press:
NEW YORK MAGAZINE, The Cut: The fashion press has shown you a lot of love recently. Why do you think that is?
ALICE SMITH: I think that really has a lot to do with Stefan Campbell, my artistic director and my friend. I’ve been plugging along, doing my little homemade thing, trying to get by, and I realized that in order to get to a different place, I needed to do something differently. And I love fashion, of course, but I didn’t realize what it does to me during a show. It makes it feel more “show” for me. For me personally, it becomes a meditation into that space. Actors are always talking about that, they’re putting on their costume and they’re their character. It’s special, it’s like going to work. I’m putting on a show; I’m putting on my show clothes. I realized I wanted to give more and make more of an effort for my people. Me and Stefan, we just talked about it for a long time. I really hope [my look] gets to be more “fashion,” so I can wear more fashion, get more fashion in my closet! [Laughs.]

Above: Alice Smith, tv performance / Role: artistic director and stylist
While conceptualizing the video for Alice Smith’s BE EASY in New Orleans, Stefan Campbell suggested they forgo high tech cameras and shoot the video like a vintage home movie, a very intimate personal life journal. The mood of the shadowy, grainy black and white footage gave a familiarity and soulfulness to a song about the ease of falling in love.
Top of page: FOOL FOR YOU, BET Black Girls Rock / Role: staging and lighting concept; styling and movement coaching.